Non-Equity. Heard from some others that yesterday's callbacks were all for understudies/ensemble. This gent did the callback that was last week or so.
There are still more equity auditions in June, so we probably won't hear for a while.
^which is why we wonder if they'll adjust the posting! If roles are cast, that's info to know!
Just a point of reference: Pirchlight typically only has 3 equity contracts per show. 2 actors & the SM. So unless they find more $ or another way to add an equity contract; for Sweeney those 2 actor contracts are already cast (as they stated: Lovett & Sweeney).
I get that nothing about this ever makes sense, but why then would they call in Equity performers for roles in Sweeney if they didn't have the contracts?!
It's a minimum of 3 contracts. I believe they CAN cast more but obviously, it's more expensive.
I think it's an equity rule that they must hold an equity call, even if their contracts are precast.
I also now know of 2 ensemble men offers out, who are also understudying leads.